Top Rated Urgent Care Clinic in El Paso and Horizon City, TX
If you are trying to find top-rated urgent care in your area, come to UCare Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic. Our professional staff is trained to help you with your healthcare concerns. Contact us today or schedule an appointment online. We are a walk-in clinic located at Horizon City TX, on North Zaragoza Rd. in El Paso TX, and on Lee Trevino Dr. in El Paso TX.
Table of Contents:
What should I go to urgent care for?
What is the difference between a walk-in clinic and urgent care?
What is better, urgent care or ER?
Urgent care facilities are important for the healthcare system. They sit somewhere between walk-in clinics and emergency rooms when it comes to available hours, available treatments, and cost, with walk-ins being on the lower side and emergency rooms on the higher side. This makes them a great convenience for patients looking for intermediary care, on ailments that are not life-threatening but also cannot wait until the next day.
Urgent medical conditions are conditions that are not considered life-threatening but still require care within 24 hours. Some examples include:
• Accidents and falls
• Cuts that do not sever veins but still need stitches
• Breathing difficulties, such as mild to moderate asthma
• Diagnostic services, including X-rays and laboratory tests
• Eye irritation and redness
• Fever or flu
• Minor broken bones and fractures in fingers or toes
• Moderate back problems
• Severe sore throat or cough
• Skin rashes and infections
• Sprains and strains
• Urinary tract infections
• Vomiting, diarrhea, or dehydration
Let’s take a look at what services are available at each practice:
Walk-In Clinics — Walk-in health care clinics were initially intended to provide a more affordable option for basic medical services than a visit to a hospital emergency room or urgent care clinic. They offer treatment for common, non-life-threatening conditions. These include minor injuries, such as:
• Burns
• Sprains
• Minor infections such as bladder, pink eye, sinus, and sore throat
• Skin rashes
• Upset stomachs
• Vaccinations
• Pregnancy tests
• Routine physicals
The prominent aspect of these clinics is convenience, and care is offered on a first-come, first-served basis. They do not take appointments. Costs of care are contained because services are typically administered by a nurse practitioner, who may be licensed to write prescriptions. If not on the premises, a licensed physician is usually on call to field questions and emergencies.
Urgent Care Centers — Urgent care clinics are like walk-in clinics with more advanced capabilities. They can treat more serious illnesses and injuries, and are designed to take some of the burdens of more expensive hospital emergency care services. Extended hours and weekend services are usually available. Urgent care clinics are staffed by physicians, who can provide X-rays, administer IVs and treat minor and moderately severe trauma for non-life-threatening conditions such as broken bones or deep lacerations. If you suspect a heart attack or stroke is involved, or if the trauma is significant (a gunshot wound, for instance), call an ambulance and head to a hospital ER.
Which facility is better will depend upon your needs. If your medical issue is not threatening your life or a body part, urgent care is your best choice. These situations would prove most beneficial at an urgent care center, over a visit to the emergency room:
• If you have cold or flu-like symptoms that aren’t responding to treatment.
• If you have chest pain, are under 55, and think it could be due to something like a strenuous workout.
• If you have what seems like a minor bone fracture.
• If you’d normally see a primary care doctor but don’t want to wait.
While emergency rooms can treat all of these situations and more, urgent care is a much more affordable option for less severe conditions. These are very generalized scenarios. If you think you need emergency care for something that isn’t on this list, seek medical attention immediately.
In more serious situations, the emergency room is your best choice. These include, but are not limited to:
• If you’re having a hard time breathing.
• If you have chest pain (especially on the left side) and are at an increased risk for heart disease.
• If you’re experiencing sudden paralysis, trouble speaking, confusion, and other strange symptoms.
• If you have a fever and severe abdominal pain along with issues like nausea, fatigue, stomach swelling, and lethargy.
• If you’re dealing with any illness or injury that is limb or life-threatening.
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these minor to moderate conditions, come to UCare Urgent Care and Walk-In Clinic today! We have top-rated experts trained in treating a wide variety of different ailments. Contact our office today to get in touch with a specialist. To book an appointment, call us or visit us online! We serve patients from El Paso TX, Horizon City TX, Lee Trevino Drive TX, Fort Bliss TX, Mission Valley TX, Resler Canyon TX, Alfalfa TX, Montwood TX, and BEYOND.